The waste heat from sawmill heating plants can be directly utilised by the sawmill’s own processes.

Making use of waste heat
The waste heat from sawmill heating plants can be directly utilised by the sawmill’s own processes. This provides sawmills with savings from the decreased need of supplied energy or the cost of a larger boiler, for example.
Typical sawmill processes that are well suited for the flue gas scrubber include wood fuel driers (sawdust, chips and tree bark) or pellet dryers.
The Caligo condenser solutions enable the use of a boiler’s leftover low-enthalpy heat to dry bio-fuel products.

Our dryer solutions
Using a dryer-connected solution, there is no need to acquire a new boiler with a dryer, as the old boiler can be fitted with a scrubber and then directly connected to the dryer. The dryer produces product that is fit for selling, and the energy for the process is generated without significant fuel or operating costs.
The required pumps are also installed on the scrubber’s modular base, as well as primer units to optimise the dryer cycles, all taking advantage of the scrubber’s automation. This saves space, installation time and money.
- up to a 35% decrease in burning potential product
- OR increased production without the need for new boiler investments
- more efficient burning
- lower CO2 emissions
Our sawmill solutions
If necessary, we deliver the entire condensing technology with buildings, chimneys, ductwork and pipeline connections as a completely finished unit. Ask for more information.
Our references
Flo Energie – Piveteau Bois
Sainte-Florence 15 MW bioboiler at a saw mill

Fuel: Wood chip and bark
Caligo product: CS155D28BWTS216 basic scrubber for belt dryer application
Delivery year: 2019
Heat recovery: 20-25 % (planned)
Electricity cons.: 28 kW
SO2 Disposal: Above 97 %
IN/OUT Particles: 150/50 mg/nm3
Solids in cond.: Below 10 mg/l
Condensate pH: 6-9
Keitele Timber Oy
Alajärvi 14 MW bioboiler at a saw mill

Fuel: Wood chip and bark
Caligo product: CS155D26BWTS216 basic scrubber for belt dryer application
Delivery year: June 2019
Heat recovery: 35-40 % (planned)
Electricity cons.: 28 kW
SO2 disposal: Above 97 %
IN/OUT particles: 30/20 mg/nm3
Solids in cond.: Below 10 mg/l
Condensate pH: 6-9